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Intra Uterine Insemination

Intra Uterine Insemination

Artificial Insemination (AI) is depositing sperms in a woman's reproductive tract during egg release time to achieve pregnancy. Majority of time sperms are deposited in the uterus and hence it is called Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI).

This procedure is divided into two parts based on the source of sperms
  • Artificial insemination with Partner’s semen (AIP): where husband’s sperms are used and
  • Artificial insemination with Donor semen (AID): where anonymous donor’s sperms are used.

When is AIP (Artificial insemination with Partner’s semen) helpful?

  • When partner’s semen has low sperm count (Oligospermia) or low motility (asthenospermia) or low normal looking sperms (Teratozoospermia) - by processing a semen sample in lab we can make concentrate of healthy motile sperms and deposited in to the uterus.
  • Inability to deposit semen in the vagina: like in premature ejaculation, vaginismus, psycological or neurogenic impotence, retrograde ejaculation, hypospadiasis.
  • Ovulatory dysfunction: Any abnormalities in follicle/ egg formation and release like in Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Cervical Factor: in some cases where the cervix is narrow, the cervical canal is tortuous or partially obliterated.
  • Any uterine factors, endometriosis or even in unexplained infertility just to achieve pregnancy more rapidly.

When is AID (Artificial insemination with Donor semen) helpful?

  • Severe male factor (Non-obstructive azoospermia, after no sperms in testicular biopsy)
  • Partner has such a genetic disease which has high chances of inheritance in the baby.
  • Women with no male partner.
  • Very rarely is repeated IVF-ICSI failure when the fertility problem has male origin.

Steps (Timeline) of IUI cycle

Results/ Success rates

regnancy rates vary between 5-70%, though the norm is 10-20% per cycle

Some factors determine results
  • Female age: Younger is better as egg quality is good in females <30 years female age.
  • Number of follicles: the presence of 2-3 follicles increases the probability of fertilisation and hence pregnancy chances.
  • Infertility cause: unexplained infertility has fair chances then unilateral tubal factor
  • Sperm quality: higher results if after semen preparation sperm count > 5 mill/ml and motility >80% motile. Higher total motile sperm concentration - higher pregnancy chances.