Puberty menorrhagia is a term used for adolescent girls experiencing heavy , irregular bleeding during the menstrual cycle. Excessive bleeding in amount or duration between menarche and 19 years of age is termed as Puberty Menorrhagia.
Menarche is a hallmark event in the life of most adolescent girls. It marks the transition from childhood to puberty. Although mechanisms triggering puberty and menarche remain uncertain, they are dependent on genetics, nutrition, body weight and maturation of the hypothalamic pituitary- ovarian axis. The complete maturation of the axis may take up to 2 years. During this time, it is common for adolescents to present with complaints of menstrual irregularities.
● >7 days duration or >80 mL
● necessitating changing a super pad/tampon more than every 2 hours
● causing symptomatic anaemia
● causing lifestyle disturbance
In 80% of cases puberty menorrhagia is caused by anovulatory cycles.
When because of heavy menses the patient feels weakness, anemia, low blood pressure, increased heart beat, pain in abdomen. When day to day activity is hampered or hemoglobin level has gone down significantly then it is time to meet your gynecologist.
The treatment can vary according to the severity of the condition. In mild cases non hormonal treatment like NSAIDs, tranexamic acid during menses and reassurance is helpful.
In moderate cases: Oral Hormonal medication along with NSAIDs/Tranexamic Acid should be used.Tranexamic acid during menses.
● In severe cases:IV Access
● Fluid bolus & Resuscitation
● Tranexamic acid
● Hormonal Therapy
Iron infusion as required or PRBC if haemodynamic instability despite fluid resuscitation Inpatient observation would be needed.