Commonly defined as two or more consecutive clinical miscarriages.
Medically defined as more than or equal to 3 consecutive pregnancy losses before 22 weeks of gestation.
There are number of reasons varying from
Chromosomal or Genetic abnormalities in conceptus
Anatomical causes
Congenital anomalies of uterus (Septate,Unicornuate or bicornuate uterus)
Acquired uterine anomalies like fibroid, polyp or adhesions on the uterine wall
Immunological diseases: Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, Abnormal maternal immune response, SLE
Environmental factor: smoking, Alcohol consumption
An expert in this subject can quickly diagnose and guide you further on the subject.
To know more and what can be done to detect and prevent further pregnancy loss visit our specialists at Aarya Women’s
For us every pregnancy is important and each pregnancy matters.